Rumors were floating in filmnagar that ‘Iddarammayilatho’ release was put off citing IPL season. But all this reports were squashed by the producer of the film Bandla Ganesh. The movie will hitting screens as per schedule tweeted Ganesh. “Blockbuster iddarammaailatho grand release 24 May, Thank U @purijagan @ThisIsDSP Stylish star, bless-:)),” tweeted Ganesh. Currently, the last minute post production works of the movie are going on and the movie will go to censor next week.
Stylish star Allu Arjun will be seen in the role of ‘rockstar’ in this film. Amala Paul and Catherine Tresa are the female leads. Puri is directing this film and this is second combination of Puri and Arjun. Devisri Prasad rendered music. Ganesh is producing the movie on ‘Parameshwara Arts’ banner.