Addressing the Samaikyandhra Samara Bheri in the SV University here on Monday, he said if backwardness was to be the basis for division, there would be need for innumerable divisions. He has alleged that students and people were being unnecessarily provoked for political gain of leaders. He said if separate state was created, they would extort money from the rich. He said it was the plan of some leaders to collect crores of rupees from the rich and fill their pockets if ‘T’ state was created. He has lamented that some people were entering politics only to earn money. He has pointed out that the Sri Krishna committee has stated that there were backward regions in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions also.
The senior MP has stated that regional parties were sprouting up because of economic imbalances and these parties were inciting the people in the name of economic and social inequalities. He said if these imbalances were removed, there would be no need to divide the nation or the state.