If This Is Shriya, Who Is That???

Yesterday, it is a surprise for Telugu film lovers as the word is spread that hot seductress Shriya Saran is back on micro-blogging site twitter. 
As media professionals and heroes like Rana are busy giving warm welcome to this Delhi lass on twitter, people started to wonder when did Shriya exited from twitter and why did she come up with a new handle when old one is still alive. 
In fact, all these days almost 2 lakh followers are following the account “@Shriya_S”, where our hot heroine is posting day to day updates of her. Even many celebrities follow the same account, which anyway doesn’t had that ‘verified tick’ from the social networking site. 
And now, Shriya started promoting that she is back on twitter and can be followed at the account “@shriya1109”, and also posted few of her personal pics with her nephew and while going to a dentist. 
If this is real Shriya, then what about that old twitter handle? Did Shriya forgot that she has another account, or is that a fake account?