South India’s leading filmmaker Shankar got into the bad books of none other than Maestro Ilayaraja. The issue is regarding the copy-rights of a popular song! Apparently, Shankar is known to be active as producer since the past few years. His latest Tamil production ‘Kappal’ starring Vaibhav has hit the screens recently.
In this flick, Ilayaraja’s chartbuster song ‘Ooru Veetu Ooru Vanthu’ from ‘Karakatakaran’ has been used without seeking prior permission from the composer. Now, Ilayaraja has sent a legal notice to Shankar demanding compensation for using his product.
He also warned ‘S Pictures’, the production house owned by Shankar, to either remove the song from ‘Kappal’ or facing legal action. In response to the legal notice, S Pictures clarified that it had acquired the rights of the song from the music label which released ‘Karakatakaran’ into market.