After a long house hunt, Ileana finally bought a flat in Mumbai recently. The actress has reportedly bought the flat in the posh location of Bandra and shifted her base from Hyderabad to Mumbai. She is currently staying alone in the flat and is planning to shift her family from Goa to Mumbai very soon. After tasting success with her debut film ‘Barfi’, Ileana is currently doing a romantic comedy flick ‘Phata Poster Nikla Hero’ opposite Shahid Kapoor.
Ileana who ventured in to Tollywood with Ram’s Devadasu in 2006 elevated to star status and even became the first heroine in Telugu to take 1 crore remuneration. She had earned tremendous craze among the youth audience with her glamour but that does not leave things happy. She is always known for controversies and indiscipline. Now she has moved to Bollywood, leaving Tollywood behind. She is yet to sign a film in Telugu after Devudu Chesina Maushulu and Julayi.