In a shocking, startling revelation, the former greyhounds constable Obulesh, who is presently accused in the shootout at Banjara Hills KBR Park, has finally let the cat out of the bag. According to police, Obulesh said that he has been “suffering” from a “life-threatening” disease after working in greyhounds for 12-long-years.
This is said to be “compelling”, “driving” force behind Obuleh’s crime saga as he wanted to have “luxurious” life before he “succumbs” to the disease. Obulesh also admitted of stealing AK 47 from the department. In the remand report, Obulesh also said that he decided to make “easy money” by kidnapping wealthy people.
He admitted “kidnapping” a youth, happens to be grandson of ex IAS officer Kaki Madhava Rao with the help of AK 47 he had stolen from police department and later “left” him after receiving Rs 10 Lakh cash. Obulesh’s reason behind his crime story has come as a bolt out of the blue to many including his fellow police personnel. It’s indeed a true, sad story of a cop-turned-criminal.