In a major terror ambush in Dinanagar, Gurudaspur in Punjab early this morning, four passengers were shot dead when a group of terrorists opened fire on a Jammu bound Punjab Roadways Corporation’s bus. Following this attack, the terrorists also attacked the Dinanagar Police Station at 5:45 am, killing two policemen. One terrorist is reportedly shot dead by the security forces. Five live bombs on the Dinanagar-Pathankot Railway track have also been recovered by the police.
According to the reports, four suspected suicide attackers or fidayeens, dressed in Army uniforms, crossed the Hiranagar border in Jammu and entered India. Heavily armed with AK47 and other automatic weapons, they injured a hotel owner and hijacked his Maruti Alto and drove up to the police station.
At least seven civilians and three policemen are seriously injured in the terrorist attack. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath Singh are in talks with the local security officers to bring the situation under control. The central home ministry has also issued a high alert across all the borders. So far, no terrorist group has claimed responsibility of the attack.