Stylish star Allu Arjun faced injuries while shooting for an action sequence for his latest flick Sarainodu. The actor hurt his elbow and was advised to take bed rest for few weeks. Doctors also suggested him not to perform any risk involving stunts for a month days. Nonetheless, Allu Arjun after taking medicines has continued shooting and doing action sequences as not to disturb the schedules and not to become the reason for delay in release. This shows Allu Arjun’s commitment.
Sarainodu next schedule will commence from January 24th, where the film unit will can climax sequences. So, Allu Arjun is expected to perform much risky stunts in the schedule. Boyapati Srinu is directing the movie after delivering a blockbuster Legend that starred Balakrishna. Rakul Preet Singh is female lead in the mass action entertainer, wherein Catherine Tresa is playing second fiddle and actress Anjali will be seen shaking her leg opposite Bunny in a special number.
Allu Arjun is essaying an IPS officer in Sarainodu being produced by Allu Aravind and senior actor Srikanth will be seen in an important role. Pataas fame director Anil Ravipudi who is presently making Sai Dharam Tej starrer Supreme has penned dialogues for Sarainodu which is slated to release in summer.