After Kavathu, Janasena and Pawan Kalyan are said to be on cloud nine. Team Pawan is said to be elated with the huge response for Kavathu, a marathon rally, he had conducted at Dhawaleswaram of East Godavari district on 15th Oct. As per Janasena’s estimation, over 1 million (10 lakh) people have attended Kavathu which is considered as a huge number given that all have come ‘voluntarily’ without being lured with liquor or biryani.
Pawan and Janasena are on high with the success of Kavathu and is of the opinion that Janasena would bag at least 20 MLA seats in the coming elections. They say many more strong leaders from various political parties are looking towards Janasena and they may join the party shortly in the presence of Pawan. Party’s senior leaders are estimating that this may even increase their tally of winning seats in the coming general elections and this would help them to emerge as the ‘King Maker’ and perhaps could even become ‘King’ like Kumaraswamy in Karnataka.
Pawan’s desperation to become ‘CM’ is clearly visible at Kavathu as well as he himself as asked fans to chant – ‘CM’, ‘CM’, ‘CM’. Looks like, PK too fallen in this trap of ‘power’. Let’s see what’s in store for Janasena.