The other day, Abhishek Pictures announced that they have bagged the Nizam Rights of Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmo1tsavam. They have previously distributed Srimanthudu in Nizam and walked away with good profits. However the announcement came as a big surprise to Senior Producer and Distributor Dil Raju.Dil Raju was very interested in distributing the film in Nizam.
He gave the producers an offer of 14 Crore and they agreed for it. All this happened orally with out any agreement. It is quite common to have oral commitments in film distribution when Big distributors are involved for obvious reasons.
However Abhishek Pictures came up with an offer of 16 Crore. PVP closed the deal with an agreement with out even having a word with Dil Raju. Until now Abhishek Pictures released all their films in Dil Raju leased theaters. Fans are worrying that Dil Raju may not co-operate with them due to the issue. But such a decision would mess the relationship with Mahesh Babu. So lets see how the issue pans out!