Mahesh Babu is right now busy with ‘Brahmotsavam’ and the Audio launch will happen today. All eyes are on the movie and right now Samantha’s attitude has caused upset for Mahesh Babu. The lead actress who scored success with ‘Theri’ and ’24’ is looking to continue the same with ‘Brahmotsavam’.
But the actress is not showing much interest towards the movie. As per reports, Mahesh Babu preferred Samantha herself to dub for the movie so that the intensity will be maintained. But Samantha refrained from dubbing. She has given lame excuses and stayed out of contention.
This has caused upset for Mahesh. Singer Chinmayi has provided voice for Samantha in the movie. The movie is being shaped under Srikanth Addala direction. Prasad.V.Potluri under PVP cinemas banner produces it. The movie features Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Pranitha Subhash in female lead roles.