It is well known that Chiranjeevi will be starring in the Telugu remake of Malayalam political thriller ‘Lucifer’. VV Vinayak has been assigned with the directorial duties for this highly anticipated remake and Ram Charan will be producing it.
As said by our sources close to the movie unit, Ram Charan is apparently unhappy with the script of Lucifer remake.
Going into the story, Chiranjeevi had already suggested some changes to the Vinayak’s version and he worked accordingly. But it seems to be that Ram Charan is still not so pleased with Vinayak’s work.
The noted director is trying really hard to impress Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan with his script but his efforts are turning out to be ungainly.
Vinayak is presently reworking on the final draft and the final call on the script will be taken by Chiranjeevi and Charan soon.
Chiranjeevi will be working on this project after wrapping up Acharya and Vedhalam remake.