The theatrical trailer of Oopiri was released couple of days ago and it was greeted to superb response. There is a glimpse of Milky Beauty Tamannah in the trailer in which she is oozing hot. She plays the secretary of Nagarjuna in the film and Karthi, who comes as a caretaker to Nagarjuna tries to woo her.
However in the original film, The Untouchables (French Film), the character is shown as a Lesbian. Nagarjuna and director Vamshi Paidipalli felt that our people will not take that and so changed the role. The movie unit already announced that they have made few changes to the original script so that it suits the sensibilities of Telugu and Tamil audience.
So, this is one of the change they made. Oopiri and its Tamil version, Thozha are all set for a grand release on March 25th. The makers claim that they have made both the versions with a whopping 60 Crore budget. With the superb response to the trailer and the wonderful form Nagarjuna is in, the demand from the trade for the film is just overwhelming.