Interest in sex reduces risk of heart attack!


According to a latest research men with high levels of testosterone, that increases intent to perform sex, are at very low risk of getting a sudden cardiac arrest! This interesting research was conducted by a team of experts led by an India-born Sumeet Chungh at the Cedars Sinai Heart Institute in the United State of America.

The team claimed, this is the first time ever, it has been reported that, increased interest towards performing sex or high levels of testosterone hormone in body, reduced risk of heart attack among men. The said research was conducted over 298 patients and findings clearly indicated the direct correlation between cardiac arrest and testosterone hormone levels in the body.

According to the research team, it is very important that one leads an active sex life as long as possible in his life in addition to keeping fit to ensure better functioning of the heart. It is also said that higher levels of testosterone will ensure better blood supply within the body, that also will ensure an active and healthy life.