Natural star Nani has formally announced his upcoming film with Vivek Atreya this morning. As per the reports, the film has been titled as “Ante Sundaraniki”. The official announcement of the title will be made on November 20.The film features Nani and Nazriya in the lead roles and is an out and out comedy film with adult humour. Reports revealed that the Astha Chamma actor will be seen in a never seen before character as Sundaram.
The film is to be directed by Vivek Atreya, who proved his mettle with a comedy crime thriller ‘Brochevarevarura’. Mythri Movie Makers is producing the project and is expected to start shooting from summer 2021.
On the other hand, Nani will next be seen in Tuck Jagadish directed by Shiva Nirvana and bankrolled by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi. He will also feature in Shyam Singha Roy to be directed by Rahul Sankrityan.