Hyderabad: Vijay Kumar, 25, a physiotherapy intern at NIMS, committed ‘suicide’ by hanging himself from the grills at the sixth floor of the institution’s old building. He was to report for work Monday morning, but his colleagues found him hanging and informed the police. Vijay was the eldest son of C. Ramulu and Lalitha from Sultanpur village in Patancheru area. He was active in the Telangana movement and a good writer as well.
Police said that on Sunday morning, he left from home saying he had to attend to a patient, and did not return home. Monday morning, he was not seen at the hospital. Someone saw his bike in the parking area. So his colleagues went searching around and one of them went to the sixth floor and found him hanging,” said Punjagutta inspector Mohan. “There was no suicide note, and we are trying to find out the reason for the suicide,” said the inspector.