International actor Kabir Bedi might have recently hit the headlines for marrying his girlfriend Praveen Dusanj (41) on his 70th birthday and might be in news as his daughter Pooja Bedia expressed her dissent openly on her father’s fourth marriage, but the latest is that the actor has bagged a significant role in Nandamuri Balakrishna’s landmark film Gautamiputra Satakarni.
Kabir is well-known in Italy and even fluent in Italian. He is popular face in Bollywood and among TV audiences. He enthralled audiences as emperor Shah Jahan in Taj Mahal: The Eternal Love Story, a 2005 historical drama. Roping in him for a crucial role in GPSK, it’s evident that Krish wants to play a big game.
This comes after Hema Malini has been cast as Rajamatha Gautami.As per the unit sources, Kabir is joining the shoot in Morocco and participate in the battle scenes.