Unlike others, Ravi Babu is not a conventional filmmaker. He has experimented in most of the genres and he doesn’t think of working with star actors. “Every film is a new experience. My producers doesn’t lose money on my films as our budget is always under control. I take 3-4 months for pre-production and just 1 or 2 month for shooting,” say Avunu director Ravi Babu. ‘Avunu’ was a smash hit at the box-office. This film was made with a limited budget and it fetched profits for both the producers and distributors.
Now, Ravi Babu is back with ‘Avunu 2’. Speaking about his upcoming film and his journey so far in the industry, Ravi Babu said, “Lot of people asked me that why I had to end ‘Avunu’ abruptly. Well, ‘Avunu 2’ is my answer to each one of them. I had this script even before I made ‘Avunu’. Excitement and thrilling factors will be more in ‘Avunu 2’.” “My heroine Poorna aka Shamna Kasim is a very talented actress. She doesn’t give a chance for me to go for a second take. I have collaborated with Suresh Babu for 5 films till date and our way of filmmaking is the reason for our successful collaboration.”
“Working with Telugu Desam Party and Chandrababu Naidu for advertisement campaign was one of the memorable experiences in my life. I don’t endorse any party and it was just a job“. ‘Avunu 2’ features Poorna, Harshvardhan Rane, Sanjjana and Nikita etc. Apart from directing the film, Ravi Babu is producing this film along with Suresh Babu under Flying Frogs and Suresh Productions banners.