A city’s true character comes out when it is put under extreme pressure and Chennai is experiencing it right now. For the last couple of weeks, Chennai has been deeply devastated by the incessant rains which brought the whole city in limbo. But the spirited Chennaiites proved that their hearts are made of gold and their city is indeed Singara Chennai (beautiful Chennai).
With the flood waters immersing the complete city neck deep and all sorts of navigation and communication systems coming to a halt, thousands of Chennaiites were left stranded on streets and other areas with water surrounding them completely and cutting them off from the rest of the world.
This epidemic situation ignited the spirits of the city dwellers, including the government staff, common people, Indian Army and even several film stars to chip in and help those terribly affected by the floods. Several generous hearts have jumped into relief measures and started distributing food, water, medicines, transport and even shelter to thousands of stranded people.
In the times when the whole country was debating intolerance, Chennai showed it into actions as many temples and madrasas opened their arms to common people barring religion. Even popular multiplexes and other avenues invited people to take shelter in their premises. Mobile phone companies offered free advanced talktime to their customers as an emergency measure.
Some day soon, the rains will stop, the waters will dry out and Chennai will limp itself to normalcy slowly, but, the iron-willed Chennaiites will continue to be the noble hearts that they are and what they showed the rest of the country in the times when it is highly needed.