Its known news that CBI arrested the CEO of Central Board of Film Certification Rakesh Kumar who have been demanding bribe during the screening of films before issuance of censor certificate, threatening with cuts if the demand was not met. Rakesh Kumar was questioned by the CBI and the investigators found enough prima facie evidence to suggest he had demanded the bribe.
CBI presented Rakesh Kumar to the court and asked more time to probe the matter further.Some stunning reports came to limelight in the CBI investigation. The CBI informed the court that as per its information Kumar had taken a laptop and an iPad to grant the censor certificate to the Tamil movie Anjaan and another Rs 50,000 in cash to issue the certificate for the Telugu version Sikandar.
This movie was taken to him for the first time in July and the Telugu version was brought to him in August. CBI reportedly seized about 2kgs of gold and other properties worth Crores. CBI also found diamonds worth Rs 65 lakh from Rakesh Kumar’s wife locker in Vadodara. The Central Bureau of Investigation has sought a list of all the films which were in pipeline to see whether makers have paid the money to investigate the scandal further.