It came to light that the one film old Seenu has stunned media folks with his answer when they questioned him about ‘Rabhasa’. Ace producer Bellamkonda Suresh has produced two films back to back, ‘Alludu Seenu’, introducing his son Sreenivas as hero and ‘Rabhasa’ with Jr NTR. Argument is that he is not doing enough promotions for Tarak’s flick like the way he has done for his son’s movie.
When quizzed about why Rabhasa promotions are dismal, Bellamkonda Srinivas, the new hero on the block, has reportedly said that ‘distributors’ should take care of the publicity but not them. ‘For Alludu Seenu, as I’m a new face we have stormed the tinsel town with heightened publicity. As far as Rabhasa is concerned, we have sold that already to distributors and they need to take care of promotions’, said Seenu, as reported by trade circuits. In that case it is going to be an irresponsible comment because it is producer who needs to take care of promotions.