Many are wondering whether AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu is boasting or getting ready for a final battle. Couple of days back he shocked all by saying neither he nor his party cannot dance according to the whims and fancies of the BJP just because they are in alliance with them.
He said they are not demanding funds for the party or personal use but for the development of the state. He said he will now settle the issue with the Union Government led by PM Modi.The question now arises is when did CM Chandra Babu made these comments.
He did it in his meeting with his ministers but during that time he sent away all BJP members. Now this is raising suspicions.For the first time Chandra Babu increased his tone and tenor but he sent away BJP ministers. This is sending signals that he is scared of speaking in front of them.
Many are of the opinion that had he made those comments in presence of BJP ministers, message would have been sent in a strong and clear manner to Union Government.