Telangana Chief Minister KCR is at it again. Mincing no words when it comes to passing belittling comments while attacking the leaders and people of Andhra Pradesh, KCR on Friday stooped to new low and asked whether AP Irrigation Minister Devineni Uma Maheswara Rao was a “man” or “woman”.
This is not all. KCR dubbed him as Andhra Sannasi (Andhra’s Mindless Nincompoop) for the second time. Earlier, KCR had used similar language against Uma back in November 2014 which received severe flak from people of AP.
Speaking at the Dindi Lift Irrigation project, CM KCR said, “Besides Devarakonda, Munugodu constituencies, the project covers several other parts of Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda. But an Andhra Sannasi (AP Irrigation Minister Devineni Uma) is questioning how do we build this project. I don’t understand whether he has mind or not and whether it works or not.”
Asking the people flanked by him, what is the name of the minister, and when they replied as “Uma”, KCR ridiculed, “Uma means whether he is a man or woman?” KCR had further escalated his attack against Uma by stating, “He has been asking from from how do we have rights to build the project? I doubt whether he is human-being or not.”
KCR didn’t even spare AP CM Chandrababu Naidu. Hinting at the issue of recent note-for-vote scandal unravelled in Telangana, KCR said, “Naidu is all set to go to jail.” KCR’s latest remarks have been getting huge backlash from the people of Andhra Pradesh.