In a couple of hours more, debuting mega hero Varun Tej will be speaking with the fan world for the first. With everything set to roll today evening at the audio launch of mega flick “Mukunda”, all the leading mega heroes are getting ready to walk the red carpet. And the question comes naturally about Pawan Kalyan. For the launch of Mega brother Nagababu’s son Varun Teja, undoubtedly the chief guest is going to be Megastar Chiranjeevi.
But fans attending these events are having this habit of chanting “Pawan” slogans despite the Janasena president’s absence is well anticipated in advance. Even today, Chiru, Bunny and Charan will be attending the audio release event, while Saidharam Tej follows anyway. Allu Arvind and other family members will also make their presence felt.
So, will Pawan grace the event to bless his brother’s son? Will he join with Chiru on stage, giving criticism a run, as he has been not doing it post launch of Janasena party? It is during the muhurat event of “Mukunda”, the rumored differences between Pawan and Chiru are caught by media and within days he floated Janasena. Let’s see.