Actress Priyamani, who got married to her boyfriend Mustufa Raj last year, is reportedly carrying. Priyamani is expecting a child and the news would be made official soon. The actress did a special photoshoot with her darling hubby and herself posted the pics on her social media page. She however hasn’t let the cat out of the bag. Confirming that some ‘good news’ is coming, she said her husband Mustufa himself would reveal the news.
“Something interesting and fun coming up for all of you from my mister @mustufaraj and me soon!!! Wait and watch pic,” Priyamani wrote on her Twitter along with the latest pics.
Priyamani has entered into wedlock with Mustufa Rai in August 2017. The couple were in a serious relationship before tying the nuptial knot. Mustufa is the founder and director of the Zing plus events, an event-management company. He had met Priyamani at Celebrity Cricket League party where Mustafa was hosting the event, while Priyamani was the CCL Brand Ambassador. Cupid has struck them since then and the couple eventually fell for each other.
Priyamani is noted for her performances. She acted opposite NTR in Rajamouli’s directorial Yama Donga. She even acted in Mani Ratnam’s Villain. Priyamani did a special song in SRK’s Chennai Express.