Sensuous beauty Samantha is known for her golden leg in Telugu film industry though she scored some flops in the recent days. With Attarintiki Daredi ready for release, Ramayya Vastavayya on the way, Manam getting ready at brisk pace, the sexy siren is having big line up of big movies. Also she has signed ‘Rabasa’ with Jr NTR again. All these films have packed Samantha’s diary for 2013 and that is why she is not accepting any flicks for now. In a candid interview, she revealed that there is not questioning of signing Telugu flicks in 2014. ‘From next year, I’ll be focussing a lot on Tamil industry and will sign Tamil movies in a row’, said Samantha. One would wonder why she is distancing from Telugu movies and picking Tamil projects.
Analysts feel that Samantha actually wants to make it big down South but her popularity is limited only to Telugu circuit at the moment. Maybe that is the reason she is putting brakes on Telugu movies for a while. But once if she loses place here, it is tough to get it back.