‘Madras Cafe’ fame Raashi Khanna made her debut in Tollywood with Srinivas Avasarala’s ‘Oohalu Gusagusalade’. This film was a super hit at the box-office and Raashi Khanna became dream-girl to many. However, her second film ‘Joru’ failed to recreate the magic of Oohalu Gusagusalade at the ticket-window and the actress was criticised for her poor acting skills.
Moreover, director must have thought that Raashi is the USP of ‘Joru’ and he concentrated more on the heroine. Her terrible acting skills and weak dance moves were clearly exposed in this film. Tollywood witnessed many heroines who were considered as ‘One-Film Wonders’ and Raashi should carefully select films to make sure that she doesn’t end up in this list. Raashi signed a film opposite to Gopichand and this untitled film will be produced by Vamsi and Pramod under UV Creations banner.