Actress Pooja Hegde is all praise for her co-star Naga Chaitanya. The Mask heroine shares her take on Chaitu, “Chaitanya is so romantic and he fits the bill perfectly for romantic films. So he doesn’t need to do homework for such films. He is natural at romantic scenes and does it with ease.”
Both Naga Chaitanya and Pooja Hegde will be seen together in upcoming youthful romance Oka Laila Kosam. Already, the trailer of the film garnered good response. Konda Vijayakumar, who made splashy debut with Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde last year, has directed the film. And this is Pooja’s debut film in Telugu although earlier she was seen in dubbbed film Jiiva-starrer Mask. Meanwhile, Pooja has set her eyes on Bollywood as she is going to pair up with none other than Hrithik Roshan in Mohenjo Daro which will be directed by Ashutosh Gowariker.