What Teja said during the pre-release event of ‘Ahimsa’ has turned out to be true. After completing ninety percent of the shooting, Suresh Babu looked at the rushes and asked them to stop everything. But Teja keeping the word given to Ramanaidu and completing the film became the highlight of his speech. But Suresh Babu’s vast experience and knowledge proved to be right as the public talk for this movie is completely negative. The reviews were also not favourable.
The movie got minimum openings because of the Daggubati brand as it would have gotten even lesser money than ‘Nenu Student Sir’ and ‘Pareshan’ if not for the sir name. Also, Abhiram failed to impress with his acting skills. The way Teja dealt with the movie has tortured the audience and adding unnecessary subplots in the revenge drama along with situationless songs led to a lot of criticism.
The fears of the audience which started after watching Teja’s ‘Sita’ became even stronger now. After this movie, Teja is expected to start ‘Rakshasa Raju’ with Rana. They made a hit film like ‘Nene Raju Nene Mantri’ earlier. As Suresh Babu did not produce ‘Ahimsa’, he might not have been involved in the script work but he is expected to take care of everything in ‘Rakshasa Raju’. Teja needs to change his narration style if he wants a hit and we need to see if it happens or not.