The Gandhi scion and the Congress Vice President, Rahul Gandhi, is back after a 56 day long unexplained and highly debated sabbatical. Rahul landed in Delhi on Thursday and did not interact with the media and maintained a dignified silence. Soon after his return, the youngest Gandhi spent 2 hours at his home and then met his mother Sonia at 10 Janpath.
Several reports were published saying that Rahul spent his vacation meditating in Myanmar. However, popular media house, published a story with an alleged photocopy of Rahul’s air ticket to Bangkok. In the business class return ticket, it shown that Rahul left for Bangkok on the 16th of February and flown back yesterday from the same destination.
This immediately spread like wildfire and many are now discussing Rahul’s itinerary. It is still not clear if Rahul spent some quality time in Bangkok before leaving for Myanmar. This latest scoop has become a minor headache for Congress’ authorities who have been evading media’s queries on Rahul’s mysterious holiday for the last 2 months.