Looks like Trisha is following Amala Paul, it is known to everyone that Amala Paul recently done some dear devil stunt for her upcoming film “Iddaramayulu”, now our senior actress Trisha had done stunt scenes in her upcoming flick “Rum”. Apparently the actress is attempting a few daredevil stunts, which are directed by stunt master Vijayan. She tweeted in her twitter that, “This will be my first action sequence ever. Though the shots are risky, I am thrilled about it. I have not rehearsed any stunts so far. Vijayan master is helping me on the sets and ensures I perform well in the action scenes.
It is a refreshingly different experience to me. Day1-Action begins..Vijayan master on a roll. Swerving cars twisty lanes and me at the wheel. Phew phew!!New found respect for all heros”. The actress, who is currently shooting for the flick in Dubai, also shared her action trials with her fans on the social networking sites. So, everyone can watch Trisha’s Dear devil Stunts in her twitter before the movie release.