Grapevine had it that, stylish star Allu Arjun will star in Telugu remake of Tamil sleeper hit movie Kanithan. However, latest reports inform that, it is Ravi Teja who is going to act in the Telugu version to be directed by TN Santosh who helmed the original version.
According to the grapevine, director TN Santosh has narrated the film’s story to Ravi Teja. The mass maharaja is said to have expressed his interest on doing this film in Telugu. However, he suggested few changes to the script to suit sensibilities of Telugu spectators.
Talks are in initial stages and things will be firmed up in next few days. Post Bengal Tiger release, Ravi Teja has signed few new films and is listening to stories, but he hasn’t started any project yet.
If things go well, Kanithan Telugu remake would be launched early next year, since Ravi Teja’s call sheet diary is full for the year.
Kanithan is an action thriller film that has been raved critically as well as commercially. Atharvaa and Catherine Tresa played lead roles in the film which revolves around a fake educational certificate scam.