Already various rumours are doing rounds regarding the storyline of Prabhas upcoming film, tentatively titled ‘Jaan’, which is being directed by Radhakrishna of Jil fame. While the movie’s shooting is yet to take off after they took a long break post the flop show of Saaho, here comes a snippet about the story of the film.
Earlier it has come out that Prabhas will be seen playing the role of a violin teacher in this film. Reports are now coming out that while Pooja Hegde plays a violin teacher in the past and Prabhas a small-time thief, their re-incarnation will have a role reversal. While Prabhas teaches music, Pooja will be seen in a crazy role.
While the vintage part has Europe backdrop with the makers already shooting a schedule there, and erecting a set of a European city here in Ramoji Film city, the present-day part will have a contrasting backdrop, they say. Until the teaser of the film comes out, these stories often do rounds anyway.