After copying the core idea of ‘Comedy Circus’ and other similar comedy programs where the likes of Kapil Sharma used to be contestants, ETV has come up with “Jabardasth” program. And now that the original directors of this show moved to Zee TV, they have stunned everyone by coming up with similar program again.
‘Adhirindi’ is the new TV show that will be aired on Zee TV which is the exact and same-to-same version of Jabardasth, trying to hit on the previous show. While Nagababu is playing the same judge role, his daughter Niharika joined him as a judge for the opening episode, and we must say that the promo of this program on YouTube is catching attention.
Coming to contestants, Dhanraj and Venu, the original sensational players of Jabardasth along with Chamak Chandra and RP have now formed different teams on this new ‘Adhirindi’ show to take it forward. The promo is quite hilarious we must say with Dhanraj, Venu and Chandra stunning as usual.
We have to see if this new program could finally beat Jabardasth or not.