Jyothika and Revathi shared screen space in ‘Jackpot’ helmed by Kalyaan and Produced by Suriya under 2D Entertainment banner.Trailer opens with Mansoor Ali Khan asking Anandraj who troubled him by mentioning the names of popular police officers from Tamil Cinema. Finally, Viewers get to know the trouble is from Jyothi and Revathi who make a dashing entry in police uniforms. Later, These Two Women appears as Doctors and gets into a fight inside of Women’s Prison as well.
Jyothika as Akshaya and Revathi as Maasha entertains thoroughly with humour, action, emotion, song & dance routine. Jyothika does stunts like a pro and mouths filmy dialogues with good ease. Revathi is equally good in this Action Comedy.
Vishal Chandrasekhar’s BGM is rocking to say the least. Camera Work is so colourful. Director Kalyaan made a good fun-filled entertainer with two proven actresses. August 2nd Release!