YSR Congress president YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has intensified his criticism against the incumbent government in AP. After touring the Hudhud-battered districts, Jagan said “relief” measures were “insufficient” and government should release Rs 5000 per every home immediately. Jagan accused government of not doing “anything concrete” except making “noise” and “propaganda”.
Jagan pointed out that the prices of vegetables, dairy products, daily-needs have shot up and hit the sky. Jagan went on to allege, “Government is not bothered about the woes of people. It has done nothing so far to people. It’s just doing wide publicity and propaganda. Unlike before, only 1/2 kg of sugar is now being distributed at ration shops.” Earlier, Jagan met the farmers who incurred heavy losses as the severe cyclonic storm Hudhud washed away their crops.