YSRCP chief Jagan Mohan Reddy has decided to allot Rajya Sabha seat to his uncle YV Subba Reddy. In the recent elections, Subba Reddy was snubbed by Jagan and the Ongole MP ticket was given away to Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy who joined YSRCP from TDP.
Although Jagan assured that he would give Subba Reddy a prominent position in the party, he was upset. In the latter episodes Subba Reddy stayed away from Ongole election campaign but he continued to stay in touch with Jagan and party sources.
After YSRCP’s landslide victory, Subba Reddy flashed before the media and since then he constantly appeared at YS Jagan’s residence in Tadepalli. Having given his word, Jagan has made up his mind to send Subba Reddy to the Upper House. An official announcement on behalf of YSR Congress party is expected later in the day.