In a scathing attack, ex CM Chandrababu Naidu had breathed fire on CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. Accusing Jagan Reddy of helping indirectly for the development of Hyderabad, Naidu said Jagan is the reason for the decrease in the land value of Amaravati. He further alleged that investments are not coming to Amaravati and they are being diverted to Hyderabad. He said Jagan is developing Hyderabad real-estate to grow indirectly. Chandrababu advised Jagan to wake up and realize the costly mistakes that is resulting in a lot of loss to AP and its people.
Calling Amaravati Capital and Polavaram National Irrigation Project as the two eyes of Andhra Pradesh, the seasoned politician said the onus lies on everyone in AP to ensure that these two projects are completed on time in a good manner. Naidu alleged Jagan of spoiling these two projects. He said all Jagan has to do is to continue the ongoing projects and doesn’t need to spend an extra penny.
Naidu questioned why Jagan is stopping the projects and hampering the state’s growth. He said just having majority in the house doesn’t let you do whatever you want to. “This is a state and it is not your private property,” said Chandrababu in a press conference.
Taking potshots at the officials for releasing false information in the fact sheets released on PPAs (Power Purchase Agreement), Naidu said the officials have manipulated, misinterpreted the facts. On the whole, Naidu expressed his angst against the steps, proceedings fo the ruling government.