Speculations were rife that Prabhas and YS Jagan could attend the pre-release function of Yatra, the film based on late YSR’s Padayatra. While Prabhas is a close friend and classmate of film’s producer Vijay Chilla, the film being based on his beloved father late YSR, Jagan is also rumoured to attend the film’s pre-release event to be held on Feb 1st in Hyderabad. So both sides (Prabhas and YS Jagan) have connection with Yatra.
In fact, Prabhas had also graced the pre-release event of Vijay’s last production Anando Brahma. Naturally, many are expecting that Prabhas would also attend the pre-release event of Mammootty-starrer Yatra. And since the film chronicles late YSR’s Padayatra and is about YSR’s political journey, it is usual to expect that YS Jagan would attend the film’s pre-release function.
However, it is learnt that YS Jagan may not attend the film’s pre-release event. Jagan is said to be not keen on attending the film’s promotional event. On the other hand, it is heard that Prabhas is also doubtful as he is busy with the works of Saaho. But producers of Yatra are said to be trying to get Prabhas for the event. As of now, only Mammootty has been confirmed. Let’s wait and see, whether there would be any last-minute surprises or not.