YS Jagan has given a shock Nellore MP Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy as he sacked Mekapati’s close aide from a key post in the party. This is seen as a step to obstruct Mekapati’s rise in the district’s politics. Since the move comes soon after Anam Ramanarayan Reddy’s entry, this is seen as a strategic move to put a check to Mekapati’s team.
Going into details, Jagan booted the Gudur party incharge Meriga Muralidhar by cutting down his responsibilities. Murali, who had met Jagan in Lotus Pond, said to have received Jagan’s anger.On the other hand, reports are rife that ZP Chairman Bommireddy Raghavendra Reddy, who has been working hard for the party for the last 2 years and has been working as party-incharge for Venkatagiri, may also be shown the door.
Anam Ramanarayana Reddy may be asked to take over the Venkatagiri. This decision is expected to take on 11th Sep in Vizag where YCP planned a crucial meet of all the 175 party incharges.
Since Bommireddy is also close to Mekapati, the senior leader is sulking over the rise of his opponents in the district. With a shock-after-shock, Mekapati is said to be upset with Jagan. This indicates that all is not well within YCP in Nellore district.