Even though seemandhra leaders from all parties and CM Kiran Kumar Reddy requested YSRCP and its leader Jagan Mohan Reddy to participate in the telangana bill discussion that is currently going on in Assembly, Jagan Mohan Reddy’s party is not allowing discussion.
In fact its members were suspended with the repeated demanded for resolution in Assembly for united Andhra Pradesh before starting any discussion. Though other party leaders started accusing Jagan of entering into secret pact with Sonia Gandhi and is thus fastening the process of Telanagna weakening the seemandhra support numbers, Jagan is hellbent on not changing the party’s stand.
Sources say YSRCP is keen to striking back with a ‘Master Plan’ to decimate other seemandhra leaders. Analysts say Jagan is planning to go with the same demand in front of people and paint other party leaders as traitors. They are planning to send signals that if assembly passes united Andhra Pradesh resolution, then they are open for any discussion in the assembly.
The party feels only if a resolution for united Andhra Pradesh is passed in the assembly, entire nation, President Pranab Mukherjee understands that people of Andhra Pradesh donot want the state to be divided at any cost.