With tempers raised in Vijayawada and Vangaveeti Ranga supporters, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has suspended his party leader from Vijayawada Gautham Reddy for his demeaning comments on slain Kapu leader Ranga. Gautham Reddy earlier made severe remarks on Ranga in a TV channel I leading to massive uproar. Cops swiftly stepped in to issue and took both parties into custody in order to avoid any untoward incidents.
Vangaveeti Ranga’s son and former MLA Vangaveeti Radha, who is also in YSR Congress, had tried to conduct a press conference against Gautham Reddy’s comments at Ranga’s house. But cops have asked him to conduct it at his current house this led to argument between cops and Ranga followers followed by scuffle between both police and Ranga followers. Amidst the clamour , Ranga’s wife Ratnakumari fell down due to scuffle and she fell unconscious.
This invited fall from Ranga’s supporters who objected cops behavior of controlling Ranga team instead of ‘taking action’ against Gautham Reddy whose comments raised tempers. However, taking all the things into account, cops have booked a case against Gautham Reddy on the charges of provoking remarks that could cause disturbance of law and order and disturbing ‘peace’. Cops are leaving no leaf unturned to bring normalcy in Vijayawada.