With Lok Sabha elections still due in some states while others have completed them, political parties spending in the month of April shot up drastically, according to Facebook Ad Library. Interestingly, Bharatiya Janata Party led the charts across India in spending on Facebook and Instagram, with the cost standing at Rs. 1.3 crore for 30 days, while the Congress party spent, nearly half that of its rival, at Rs. 56.69 lakh.
Surprisingly, Andhra Pradesh’s political parties are top spenders on Facebook Ads among the regional parties while Naveen Patnaik, Chief of Biju Janata Dal of Odisha, leads the charts. Even Kerala’s LDF page was among the top spenders. Both Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the YSR Congress lead the regional spenders table. Pages giving a boost to the YSR Congress was the ”Indian Political Action Committee” (I-PAC) and ”Jagananna ki thoduga” which was one of the top spenders while another page ”AP with CBN” also was boosting TDP’s presence.
According to the data, the Bharatiya Janata Party spent Rs. 44.32 lakh until April 20. Across the platform, total amount of Rs. 7 crore was spent by various political parties for just 20 days in April, while that between February and March stood at Rs. 10 crore. Meanwhile, the data mentioned that supporters and followers of these parties are the ones who spend the most.
For instance: Pro-BJP pages such as Bharat Ke Mann Ki Baat (Rs. 2.23 crore), My First Vote For Modi (Rs 1.08 crore) and Nation with NaMo (Rs 1.20 crore) among others, spent higher than the Congress party’s total spending in the last 30 days.