The revolutionary reforms introduced by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minster Jagan Mohan Reddy are very appreciable and these kinds of schemes haven’t been introduced by any state in the country yet. After sensational ‘Amma Vodi’ last month, Jagan Mohan Reddy now launched the ‘Jagananna Vasathi Deevena’.
Under this scheme, the students who are pursuing their graduation from low-income households get Rs 20,000 per year for their hostel and mess. This money will be credited to the students’ mothers’ accounts in two installments each year. Yesterday, the first installment, 10,000Rs. were credited in the respective bank accounts.
Previously, 15,000 rupees were deposited as a part of Amma Modi and for the people below the poverty line, this amount matters the most. Now, the latest Vasthi Deevena will cost the government Rs 2,300 crore, and the scheme is expected to benefit 11,87,904 students.
With the mind-blowing decisions took by Jagan’s government, his craze in the people got doubled as no leader from this state has taken these kinds of reforms for the welfare of the students by reducing the economic burden on their parents.