AP Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has proved himself to be a mature leader when it came to dealing with the crisis that arose in view of the 21-day long lockdown. He took the employees unions into confidence, held parleys with them and convinced them to accept their salaries in two instalments.
AP Government Employees Association president KR Suryanarayana said that YS Jagan Mohan Reddy called a meeting with the representatives of the union and discussed the financial position of the state. He said Jagan told them that the government needs to spend on corona control measures, providing ration to the poor and the uncared people and appealed them to cooperate with him. He said the government has decided to pay the salaries in two instalments. One instalment would be paid on the first of April and the second phase a few days later.
Surya Narayana said that the government has also agreed to provide corona kit to each employee for individual protection. He said the employees union has agreed to the CM’s proposals keeping in view welfare of the people of the state. He called upon the employees to express their solidarity with the union and the Government of the state.