YS Jaganmohan Reddy’s elder daughter Varsha Reddy, who is studying at the prestigious London School of Economics, has now flown back to Hyderabad in order to attend her father’s swearing-in ceremony, on May 30. The massive and leading win of Jagan is leaving his family members and party colleagues in a celebration mood.
After hearing her father’s win, Varsha Reddy sent wishes to Jagan. The next day, she also went on to offer prayers at London Church. Varsha is a merit student and managing to get a seat in one of the top colleges in London is no joke.
It is reported that Jagan’s victory has made his daughter overwhelmed and she reportedly cannot wait to meet his father. The YSRCP stormed to power by grabbing 151 seats in State assembly. The party is the fourth largest party in the LS with 22 seats Parliamentary seats.