It is known that actor Suriya has been receiving threats over ongoing controversy surrounding his Jai Bhim film. Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) Mayiladuthurai district secretary declared a reward of Rs 1 lakh for anyone who would harm Suriya when he visits the district.
Following this, armed police have been placed at Suriya’s house after he received several threats. As of now, five police personnel are deployed with arms outside his house in T. Nagar.
The police protection was provided to the Singham actor after an intel report which suggested that there is threat perception. Meanwhile, Panneerselvam had also reached the police, requesting action against Suriya.
Jai Bhim is directed by TJ Gnanavel and produced by Suriya and Jyotika’s 2D Productions. The film tells about the custodial torture inflicted to the members of Irular community. The film features Suriya, Manikandan and Lijomol Jose in lead roles.