As per the trade reports, Balakrishna and KS Ravi Kumar’s Jai Simha is doing a solid pre-release business. Including the Satellite rights, the film is expected to register Rs 50 Crore business.
The theatrical rights of the film has registered good numbers all over. The latest is that the East Godavari rights were sold for Rs 2.75 Crore. Since the film has Simha in the title and has combination of Balakrishna, Nayantara, it is doing good buzz in trade.
Balakrishna’s films have standard market. Although 50 Crore pre-release business is risky, since the film is releasing for Sankranthi festival, buyers are keen that the film would do well at the Box Office. Balayya’s Gautamiputra Satakarni that released for last Sankranthi had worked at the marquee as well.
So smartly, producer C Kalyan is releasing the film on Jan 12, two days after Pawan-Trivikram’s Aganatavasi (Jan 10) is scheduled for.