Ex union minister Jaipal Reddy has reportedly revealed that he is currently very much busy with writing a book on Telangana. The strongman of Congress in Telangana added that this book would present a detailed account of the entire bifurcation process. And it would also talk about the formation of a separate Telangana state. However, what is interesting is that Jaipal Reddy would also be penning the way various leaders played their own role during the process.
An avid book reader, Jaipal Reddy insists that people have no idea about the various behind-the-scene events that happened during the ratification of the Telangana Bill and the final bifurcation process. He reportedly added that there are many other events which have happened and the book would be revealing many of them. So in short Jaipal would bare it all, which may even give jitters to some! It has to be seen what the Congress boss Sonia feels about all this.