- The passion for films and a bright acting career in Bollywood has stained the life of an young girl from Rajasthan. The victimized girl was raped in a Jaipur hotel by a gold jeweler in the name of “Bollywood Chance” and the police have taken the culprit into custody.
Getting into the details, it was revealed that an young girl from Rajasthan was in touch with a Jaipur business man from some time and he was luring her with a film offer. He recently sent her some morphed photos of his meeting with Salman Kahn and boasted about his rapport with Salman. On the pretext of casting her in Salman’s new film, the accused has asked the innocent girl to meet him at a hotel room in Jaipur.
Trapped into the idea, she was there at the room within no time and eventually she was physically molested and raped by the jeweler. Later, he started to harass her by sending over the raped images on her Whatsapp account.
Not knowing what to do, she has raised a complaint at Shyam Nagar Police Station in Jaipur and the arrest was done in a short span of time. Despite of so many awareness campaigns, its sad to see the girls easily getting trapped into some perverts in the society!